OGR python projection
OGR Projection If you're using shapely and you need to do projections, you'll either have a lot of boilerplate or a function like this one. Actually, even in OGR, there's a lot of bioler plate involved in transforming.... from osgeo import ogr from shapely.wkb import loads def project(geom, to_epsg=900913, from_epsg=4326): """utility function to do quick projection with ogr, to and from shapely objects >>> from shapely.geometry import LineString >>> l = LineString([[-121, 43], [-122, 42]]) >>> lp = project(l, from_epsg=4326, to_epsg=26910) >>> lp.wkt 'LINESTRING (663019.0700828594854102 4762755.6415722491219640, 582818.0692490270594135 4650259.8474613213911653)' """ to_srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference() to_srs.ImportFromEPSG(to_epsg) from_srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference() from_srs.ImportFromEPSG(from_epsg) ogr_geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(geom.wk...