
Showing posts from April 19, 2009

Needleman-Wunsch global sequence alignment

[EDIT 01-01-2010] this is now available at bitbucket . I've written a simple, fast, python version of Needleman-Wunsch as I couldn't find one to use. It uses Cython and specifically cython-numpy goodness. It's easy-installable as: sudo easy_install -UZ or via svn from: svn co it will put an executable 'nwalign' into /usr/bin/ which when run will give this message: Usage: nwalign [options] seq1 seq2 Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --gap=GAP gap extend penalty (must be integer --gap_init=GAP_INIT gap start penalty (must be integer --match=MATCH match score (must be integer > 0) --mismatch=MISMATCH gap penalty (must be integer --matrix=MATRIX scoring matrix in ncbi/data/ format, if not specificied, match/mismatch are used where the matrix is optional but can be the full path ...