flash (n)back
The PNAS article linked here found subjects could improve IQ with training. I've written a simple flash version of their protocol over a couple long evenings in haxe /flash. The article methods list 2 stimuli, a moving box, and spoken letters. The test subject is to respond (click in my case) when the box position or the spoken letter is the same as it was 2 time steps ago. Where 2 is increased as the subject gets better. I didn't do sound, I just show a big letter. Clearly, the logical thing to do is use it for a couple weeks and then implement the sound when I'm smarter. (I've never really used swfmill , but I think that'd be useful here...) The article is ambiguous about when the letter is to sound, I've made both the letter and the box appear at the same time. The default, as in the article is to have 3 seconds between events, and to show the box for 0.5 seconds. I also add some indication of whether the answer was correct (green +) or not (red -). That act...