starting haxe. (stuff i want to remember)
I've been tinkering with a flash project recently. Actually haxe , so it's only linux tools -- VI, and the command line -- not the GUI interface people normally associate with flash. This post is a summary of how to get started with haxe using only the command line, and a project containing flash stuff I want to remember. To start, here's a gist of shell commands that will set up haxe on an ubuntu machine. The installers from the haxe website work fine for windows and mac (and I think 32 bit linux). Haxe has a slightly different syntax from actionscript 3, but for most things it is identical. These docs are very good, and better than the adobe site, I have that page open always when working with haxe. I also grabbed an "actionscript.vim" from the internet somewhere and put it in ~/.vim/syntax/ for syntax highlighting and added this line to my .vimrc: autocmd BufRead *.hx set filetype=actionscript Then compilation and code is simply a matter of following this . ...