reading code
A fasta file of rice genomic sequence is 355MB. It's not easy to understand how large that is. This is an attempt to come up with a quick metric. So, I downloaded Ulysses . wc shows it to have 267235 words. Some googling says the average person can read 250 words per - minute. So that's 267,235 / 250 / 60 = 17.8 hours. Well, it's hard to believe anyone can really read Ulysses in 18 hours but... good enough. So on the rice fasta file i ran: grep -v ">" rice.fasta | wc -c to get rid of the 12 header lines (1 per chromosome) and only count sequence (should be within 12 characters counting the extra new-lines). That gives 372,077,765 characters. The average word-size in ulysses is 5. I rounded up to 6. So, the rice sequence has the equivalent of 372,077,765 / 6 = 62,012,960 words So, at 250 words per minute, it'd take: 62012960 / 250 / 60 = 4,134 hours to read the rice genome . That's 172 days. Also, from what I know, the plot is hard to follow. Genome siz...